Crocane Tokenomics
The information below is an overview of the Crocane tokenomics:
Token name: Crocane
Token symbol: CCANE
Initial token supply: 10,000,000
Public token allocation: 3,000,000 (30%)
Presale allocation: 4,000,000 (40%)
Partnership allocation: 1,000,000 (10%) will be used for partnership with ecological construction, including marketing, promotional activities, liquidity management, including CEX listing - unlocked linearly in 6 months.
Development: 1,000,000 (10%) - Unlocked linearly in 18 months.
Team allocation: 1,000,000 (10%) - Unlocked linearly in 12 months.
Sale Information
Stage 1: Token Presale
Soft cap: 75,000 CRO
Hard cap: 200,000 CRO
Normal Presale rates: 1 CRO = 20 CCANE
White List Presale Rate: 1 CRO = 30 CCANE
Minimum Allocation Per Address: 100 CRO
Maximum Allocation Per Address: 2500 CRO
Trading Fee Allocations
Trading fees on our token go towards our ecosystem and support future developments as well as providing automatic liquidity to ensure price volatility is reduced and that the price floor continues to rise.
Buy Fees
The following fees are applied when another token is swapped in exchange for CCANE tokens
Total fee: 13%
Crocane Liquidity Reserve: 4%
Crocane Fund Reserve (PFR): 7%
Burn Fee: 2%
Sell Fees
The following fees are applied when CCANE token is swapped in exchange for any other token:
Total fee: 16%
Crocane Liquidity Reserve: 6%
Crocane Fund Reserve (PRF): 8%
Burn Fee: 2%
Why are there trading fees?
The current trading fees in place support our growing ecosystem. The fees that you will experience will essentially go directly back into the ecosystem in the form of rewards, buy-backs, project development, and much much more! We will continue to review our trading fees as a project progresses to make entry and exit more desirable for all investors.
Last updated